Surprising Reasons Why you Should Orgasm More Often

Beyond just feeling great, an Orgasm also brings with it, a host of surprising health benefits which you likely had no idea about. Whether you're climaxing with a partner or during a solo session, orgasms help with lots of things, like lowering stress levels, good flow of blood to the brain cells, lowering heart attack risk and naturally boost hormone and happiness.

There are many different reasons why orgasm is very important. A little loving can boost your overall health in many surprising ways. So whether you’re coupled up or flying solo, check out this list of healthy effects of regular Orgasm.

Improved Heart Health & Good form of Exercise.  

Orgasm lowers your Cortisol levels, which is one of the healthiest things you can do to boost your health. Elevated levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone, have been linked to suppressed immunity and heart disease. Men who had sex or orgasm twice weekly or more, had less risk of cardiovascular diseases, like heart attack or stroke.

 Having sex can actually be considered a good form of exercise. It bumps up your heart rate and uses various muscles. According to researchers, men burn an average of 4 calories per minutes during sex and women burn off 3 calories. That's a lot more fun than stressing away in the Gym. 

Pain Relief From Menstrual Cramps & Pains:

According to a 1978 study published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Psychoneuroendocrinology and carried out by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, regular orgasms can help regulate your menstrual cycle, even when you're not on your period.

"Orgasm can block pain", says Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, a distinguished service professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. It releases a hormone that helps raise your pain threshold.

Sex/orgasm can help ease menstrual pain. Women may get some relief from menstrual cramps through a good orgasm. Studies have shown that women who orgasm once or more a week, are more likely to have regular menstrual cycles every 26-33 days, than those who have irregular sex or orgasm.

Better Sleep:

Orgasms release the hormone called , Prolactin which can help you feel relaxed and sleepy. That's why people often doze off after a satisfying sex. "After orgasm, the hormone Prolactin is released, which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness after sex", says Sheenie Ambardar, MD. She is a psychiatrist in West Hollywood, Calif.

Glowing Skin:

You truly do glow and feel better after sex, it's not just your imagination. The after sex glow can be as a result of the combination of better mood, stress relief and the flush of blood under your skin that is a natural part of the arousal process. The human growth hormone is released during orgasm and also stimulates Collagen ( a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness.) 

Keeps the Immune System Strong and Active:

People who have orgasm, have higher levels of what defends their body against virus and bacteria. People who have orgasm twice or more a week, had higher levels of a certain antibody compared to people who had sex less often.

Improves Women's Bladder Control:

Good sex & orgasm, is like an exercise for the pelvic floor muscles. During orgasm, the pelvic floor muscles contracts, which strengthens them.  The pelvic floor is essential for core strength and bladder control. Strong pelvic floor is important for every woman that is of child bearing age.  Starting out your pregnancy with strong pelvic floor muscles, helps to decrease the damage these muscles experience under the strain of carrying a growing child. A healthy pelvic floor also makes labor and delivery less risky.

Strong pelvic floor is also important for avoiding incontinence (lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation.) , which affect about 25-30% of women at some point in their lives. 

Eases Stress and Anxiety:

Being close to your partner can soothe stress and anxiety. Touching and hugging can release your body's natural “feel-good hormone.” Sexual arousal releases a brain chemical that revs up your brain’s pleasure and reward system.

Sex and intimacy can boost your self-esteem and happiness, too. Sex & orgasm, is not only a prescription for a healthy life, but a happy one.

Helps to Boost Brain Health:

The brain will see benefits from organism because it improves sleep, lowers stress, and improve sociability. These benefits are more powerful than doing challenging puzzles. The flood of hormones released in an orgasm, sends a ton of messages throughout your body, increasing brain activities, especially in women.


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