Complete Beginner’s Guide to Natural Homemade Shampoo Recipe For all Hair Types


Creating your own shampoo can be quite an experience. Not only do you get to

create something amazing for your hair, you also have the opportunity to learn

more about how different ingredients can give your hair a healthy and natural

shine without the need for chemical products.

In this article, I'll show you why you should ditch toxic, expensive, store-bought shampoos and start making your own healthy, natural and chemical-free shampoos at home.

The process of making this homemade shampoo, is so simple and the ingredients used to make them are cheap and easily available.

 There are thousands of shampoos in the market and each one of them promises to

leave your hair softer and shinier, than the rest. But in reality, this shampoos rarely live up to their promises. There are a wide range of harmful ingredients in some commercially available shampoos in stores. If we really care about the health of our hair and our bodies, perhaps we should give natural homemade alternative options a chance.

That best option is to make your own natural shampoos at home.

Reasons Why You Should Ditch Store-Bought Shampoos for Homemade Shampoos.

  • Washing the hair often with chemical shampoo (store-bought), strips the hair of it’s natural oils, due to their harshness. When you star using homemade shampoos, you'll notice that your hair will look softer and healthier.

  • Cancer truly sucks. Therefore, its very important that we do whatever we can to reduce the risk of suffering from this terrible condition. Are you aware that many store-bought shampoos contain cancer-causing chemicals? When you’re in habit using of  store-bought shampoos, you’re simply exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals and in so doing, you’re damaging your body organs and tissues. Most shampoos contain high amounts of sulfates and parabens that could lead to onset of allergies or may poison the scalp and the kidneys. Some of this chemicals are 
  1. Cocamide DEA 

This chemical is found in lots of store-bought shampoos and has a proven link to the formation of cancerous cells in humans. 

2. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate -

This chemical can sometimes lead to eye irritations. It also slowly weakens and damages the hair by breaking down it’s natural protein structure. 

3. Polyoxyethylene, Sodium Chloride, Thickening agents -

These chemicals helps shampoo lather easily. However, they can actually lead to itchy and dry scalp as they remove the natural oils which work to keep the hair and scalp healthy.

4. Formaldehyde -

 One of the most harmful of all.  This chemical is the same as formaldehyde used form embalming the dead! While it may seem ok for the dead, it’s certainly not something we want use in our bodies while we are still alive. 

Formaldehyde can play a key role in cancer formation and can cause our body’s organs to stifen, which can contribute to organ damage.

5. Alcohol -

High amounts of alcohol are found in some of

the shampoos available on the store. This alcohol may dry the hair and make

it heavy and brittle.

6. Mineral Oil, Petroleum, and Lanolin -

 Although these products claim to moisturize the hair, they actually have no proven benefits. Rather, they can strip away the natural oils and moisture from the hair and can ven cause the hair to thin or, fall out!

  • Natural homemade shampoos may help you feel better and improve your health for all the years you’ve been using toxic compounds on your body through your scalp. While we may not be aware of the effects of this harmful products to us, it's very possible that over the years the chemicals in our shampoos have built up in our systems and contributed in leaving us ill. Using your own healthy shampoos, relieves you of this worries as you are convinced that you’re using natural, healthy ingredients to wash your hair and scalp.

  • Natural homemade shampoos are packed with natural hair nutrients. While it’s important to be concerned about what we eat and drink, it’s also important to be concerned about what we are applying to other parts of our bodies. 

  • When we use natural products on our bodies, we will feel great energy boost and feel good overall.  

    Some of the Healthiest ingredients that we can use in our natural homemade shampoos include:

    These are just some of the amazing ingredients around your home or easily available at the local
    supermarket, that you can use to make your own incredible, natural shampoos at home.

    1. Avocado  -
    Avocado contains lots of great natural fats and proteins
    that can play a big part in helping to keep our hair looking healthy
    and lustrous.

    2. Apricot -
    Apricot is a natural nourishing agent that’s good for soothing the skin and the hair.

    3. Honey -
    Honey acts as a natural hair softener and gives the hair a
    shinny look.

    4. Rosemary -
    Rosemary has a great smell and calming properties. This wonderful benefits
    Gives a calming and warm effects on the scalp. This ingredient, is easy to find in almost
    any supermarket or food stores. 

    5. Coconut Oil -
    Coconut Oil helps to restore our hair’s natural
    health, supplying the hair and scalp with natural oils and giving it a fantastic shine.

    6. Coconut Milk -
    Coconut milk is a fantastic ingredient to add in your
    homemade shampoos. It keeps your hair looking smooth and feeling soft.

    7. Rose -
    Rose gives the hair a wonderful natural fragrance and also have
    effect on hair growth.

    8. Aloe Vera -
    Aloe is another hair wonder ingredient which can restore even
    the limpest of hair, giving it a fresh, vibrant look and feel after a
    few washes!

    9. Eggs -
    Eggs are one of the best natural hair moisturizer.

    10.  Curry spices -
    Surprising as it sounds, curry supplies enough protein to the hair and scalp.

    11. Olive oil -
    This wonderful oil is works great in adding
    moisture to your hair and helping to restore it’s natural oil balance.

    12. Strawberry -
    Adding a few
    strawberries to your homemade shampoo is a sure way to create a
    shampoo which will leave your hair very healthy. This is because, it contains natural compounds that are extremely nourishing for the hair and scalp.

    13. Peppermint -
    Peppermint helps the hair to grow faster and can also leave the hair and scalp feeling cool and fresh.

    Making your own shampoos will be a lot of fun experience, but there are things you
    should be aware of before you begin. So before you grab that mixing bowl, here are few tips to get you started.

    🌟 Before you start making your homemade shampoo, you should be aware of your allergies. "Very important".
    Just because an ingredient is considered all- organic or natural, doesn’t mean that
    it’s guaranteed to be 100% safe for you. It may work great for others, but
    there is a chance that it could cause an allergic reaction for you. So before
    you get started on any homemade shampoo batches, make sure that the
    ingredients you’re going to use are safe for you. Try to figure out which
    of the common ingredients may cause skin irritation. If you’re going to work
    with an unfamiliar ingredient, test it first on your wrist to see if it causes an allergic reaction. This way, you don’t end up harming your scalp or skin.🌟

    🌟 Since your homemade shampoo doesn’t contain any chemical ingredients to prolong its lifespan, you should only make small batches at a time. It’s highly recommended
    that you don’t make too much at one time. If you want to make your homemade
    shampoos last a little longer, you should store them in the fridge. Once you’ve made a fresh DIY shampoo, you must store it in
    an appropriate container. Your homemade shampoo won’t
    contain any chemical preservatives to prevent bacterial growth, so always use sterile containers like glass containers, as no chemical will be able to leach into it. Look for containers with airtight lids so your product won’t be exposed to air, humidity, germs, and bacteria.🌟

    Easy Home Made Natural Shampoo Recipes For All Hair Types

    • Peppermint and Rosemary Shampoo.

    This shampoo has a minty, fresh fragrance that leaves the scalp feeling cool and
    the hair looking and feeling wonderfully smooth.


    • 15 drops rosemary essential oil
    • 2 drops peppermint essential oil
    • ½ cup filtered water
    • ½ cup mild liquid castile soap.


    1. Pour the liquid castile soap into a bottle.

    2. Add the filtered water, then add the peppermint and rosemary essential

    3. Close the bottle and shake until the ingredients have been thoroughly mixed.

    4. Use the way you would a regular shampoo and don’t forget to give your
    hair and scalp a good rinse with fresh warm water.

    • Avocado Aloe Mix.
    Use this shampoo before a long day in the sun, to prevent your hair from drying out or
    becoming heat-damaged. 


    • ¼ tsp organic avocado oil
    • 1 tsp 100% pure glycerin
    • ¼ cup aloe vera gel
    • ¼ cup pure liquid castile soap


    1. Pour the liquid castile soap into a bowl.
    2. Add the glycerin, avocado oil, and aloe vera gel.
    3. Stir until well-mixed. Transfer the mixture to a suitable container.
    4. Before using this shampoo, make sure that you first shake it well.
    5. Massage onto your hair and leave for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing with
    Warm water.

    • Fresh Garlic and Apple Shampoo
    Don’t be put off by the garlic; Even though garlic is used as one of the ingredients, this shampoo still smells great! 
    Garlic is very useful especially for those who suffer from dandruff.


    ½ cup grape seed oil
    • ¼ cup liquid castile soap
    • ¼ cup water
    • 6 finely crushed garlic cloves
    • 3 tbsp fresh apple juice
    • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.


    1. Pour the liquid castile soap into a food processor.
    2. Add the grape seed oil, garlic cloves, apple cider vinegar, apple juice, and
    distilled water.
    3. Pulse until smooth and similar to the the consistency of a regular store￾bought shampoo.
    4. Don’t forget to rinse with cool water after you’ve washed. If you’re
    worried that others may be able to smell the garlic, simply rinse your hair
    with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice before rinsing with cool water.

    • Lemon Egg Shampoo.


    3 tsp baking soda
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 tsp lemon juice
    • 2 tsp olive oil

    1. Beat the eggs in a bowl until well mixed.
    2. Then add the olive oil, lemon juice, and baking soda and mix well.
    3. Pour the mixture into a sterile container. Shake well before use.
    4. Apply to your hair by massaging it from your scalp to the tips.
    5. Rinse well with warm water.

    • Apple Cider Shampoo.


    • 30 ml olive oil
    • 3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
    • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
    • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
    • 1 egg.


    1. Put the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, eucalyptus oil, and egg
    into a food processor.
    2. Pulse until very smooth.
    3. Transfer contents to a sterile container.
    4. To use this shampoo, simply massage into your hair and leave it on for at
    least 5 minutes before rinsing with warm water. 
    * Remember to always store the unused Shampoo in the fridge to preserve it a little longer.*

    • Strawberry Shampoo


    • 1 cup strawberries, crushed
    • 3 tsp xanthan gum
    • ¼ cup pure liquid castile soap
    • ¼ cup baking soda
    • 3 drops tea tree oil.
    • 2 cups distilled water.


    1. Put the crushed strawberries into a food processor and pulse until smooth.
    2. Pour the distilled water into a pot and add the strawberry paste.
    3. Add the xanthan gum, castile soap, tea tree oil and baking soda. 
    4. Heat gently on a cooker until everything has been thoroughly mixed and
    the desired consistency has been achieved.
    5. Let the mixture cool for a while then transfer to a sterile container.
    6. Shake the container well before use.
    7. Massage into your hair and scalp as you would a regular shampoo.
    8. Rinse with warm water.
    • Anti-Damage Shampoo
    This shampoo is fantastic for bringing dull and damaged hair back to life, giving
    it a smooth and soft appearance while at the same time offering protection against future damage.


    • 5 drops lemon essential oil
    • ½ cup distilled water
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 1 tsp coconut oil
    • 1 large egg
    • 1 tsp organic coconut oil.


    1. Place the large egg in a blender, followed by coconut oil, lemon juice,
    essential oil and distilled water.
    2. Process until smooth and well blended then transfer the mixture to a
    suitable container.
    3. To use, simply massage into your hair and leave for a couple of minutes
    before rinsing with cool water.

    • Curry Shampoo


    • 250 grams fenugreek
    • 500 grams shikakai
    • 100 grams soap beans
    • A bunch of basil leaves
    • A bunch of curry leaves

    1. Lay down the fenugreek, shikakai, basil leaves, soap beans, curry leaves,
    and mung beans on paper and leave them to sun-dry for at least 12 hours.
    2. When these ingredients have dried out, place them all in a food processor
    and process until smooth.
    3. Store the paste in a suitable container.
    4. To use, mix a small amount with water and massage into your hair.
    5. Rinse well with cool water being careful to check that no residue is left

    • Minty Rosemary Shampoo.


    • 1 drop rosemary essential oil
    • 2 tbsp mint leaves
    • 1 cup boiled water
    • 2 drops peppermint essential oil
    • 2 tbsp castile oil.


    1. Put the mint leaves in a cup or small bowl and pour in the boiled water.
    Make sure all the mint leaves are fully immersed in the water.
    2. Let steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Gently agitate the leaves once or twice
    during this time.
    3. Strain and keep the liquid. Discard the mint leaves.
    4. Let cool at room temperature before adding the peppermint oil, rosemary
    oils and the castile oil.
    5. Transfer the contents to a suitable container.
    6. To use, simply massage into your hair and leave for a couple of minutes
    before rinsing with warm water.

    Honey Shampoo

    Honey is a great ingredient as it has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that works for dandruffs and dry hair.


    • 3 tbsp water (filtered is best)
    • 1 tbsp raw or unpasteurized honey (regular honey can serve, but unpasteurized honey is preferable)
    • 5 to 10 drops of carrot seed oil.


    1. Mix the 3 tablespoons of water with the 1 tablespoon of raw honey.
    2. Gently heat the mixture so that honey dissolves. Fully dissolve the honey
    being sure to keep the heat low.
    3. Add 5 to 10 drops of carrot seed oil. This can help prevent your hair from
    flaking and your scalp from itching.
    4. To use, simply wet your hair and massage the shampoo into your hair and
    5. Rinse well with warm water.

    Checkout this beautiful homemade natural shampoo recipe 🌟


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